You can download the photo HERE.

You can already download the Book of the Conference and the Book of Abstracts.
The Moodle is now open!
All participants are able to access to the Platform and Moodle following these Instructions. Access to the documentation (bills, attendance certificate, etc) and the recorded sessions will be available in the home page of the personal area of each participant. To access this, please follow steps 1-3 of the above instructions. In addition, in the Moodle, participants can find information on the Conference, the links to the live sessions and visit all the posters.
Note that POSTERS are displayed both, in the Miramar Palace and in the Moodle. For some posters, videos are available in the Moodle. We invite attendants to watch these videos.
*ONLINE PARTICIPANTS: if you are participating online, you have to enter in the Moodle to attend the sessions, visit posters, etc.
*IN-PERSON PARTICIPANTS: The face-to-face meeting takes place at the Miramar Palace in San Sebastian. Some practical information on how to arrive from the closest airports can be found here. Once here, San Sebastian is not a very big city and you can reach many places just by walking. In particular, the Miramar Palace is located in a central site of San Sebastian. You can find here information about how to move around San Sebastian.
The next joint celebration QENS/WINS will constitute the 15th Edition of the QENS series and the 10th of the WINS workshops.
The 2020 Edition was postponed due to Covid and we celebrated a short online version in 2021 (QENS/WINS2021).
We are looking forward to meeting personally all the QENS/WINS colleagues again. Therefore, QENS/WINS2022 will be a face-to-face event. To assure that everybody interested can participate, even if Covid restrictions prevent mobility in the dates of the event, we will keep a hybrid format. This will allow to follow the conferences also online; nevertheless, we strongly encourage participants to travel to our beautiful city, if possible, and enjoy the company of colleagues in the nice atmosphere of San Sebastian!
Following the spirit of QENS Conferences since 1992, the main purpose of QENS is to cover the broad spectrum of scientific activities related with the investigation of material dynamics using quasi-elastic neutron scattering techniques (accessing both, frequency and time domains). QENS 2022 will offer a platform for discussion and exchange of scientific ideas among the experts in this field, and a general overview to newcomers about the capabilities of QENS in exploring atomic and molecular motions and relaxation processes of novel materials. As a novelty, this QENS Edition will explore and exploit the potential synergies between different methods (including experimental techniques and simulations, but always with QENS in the spotlight), in order to face diverse scientific challenges emerging in different research fields.
The following scientific topics will be covered:
- Dynamics of liquids in different environments and under confinement
- Dynamics of polymers in bulk, blends, gels, membranes, films, composites etc. at different length scales
- Function/dynamics relation in biological and bio-related systems
- Role of dynamics in systems of medical relevance
- Transport mechanisms in energy-related materials
- Dynamical processes in soft matter, including liquid crystals, self-assembled materials, colloids, etc.
- Dynamics of novel materials for industrial applications
- Relaxation phenomena involved in the glass transition
- Lattice dynamics and Spin dynamics of magnetic systems
Complementarity with the following methods will be explored:
Experimental techniques:
- Spectroscopic and relaxation techniques like e. g., dielectric spectroscopy, NMR, rheology, calorimetry, etc
- Other scattering techniques providing dynamic and/or complementary structural information, like e. g., dynamic light scattering, Brillouin scattering, X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, diffraction, small angle scattering…
Simulations and Theory:
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations, including fully atomistic and coarse-grained models
- Monte-Carlo simulations
- DFT, Analytical methods, …
WINS --the 10th Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers– will cover innovative aspects of neutron instrument design. Progresses on new spectrometer projects will be presented. As in previous editions, the theme of “New idea, New concept, New design, New instrumentation for New sciences” will be followed. New developments in the application of polarization analysis, magnetic field, pressure, or improvements in sample environments for soft matter systems will be covered. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation will be also part of the program. In analogy with the spirit of QENS 2022, the synergy with complementary methods –in this case mainly with advanced simulations and extensive Monte Carlo simulations—will be emphasized.
The workshop will consider:
- New ideas, new concepts and new designs for neutron spectrometers
- Novel devices, detectors and sample environments: polarization, magnetic field, pressure, soft matter environments
- Software for data acquisition and analysis
- Complementary computer methods for instrument simulation
Why a joint QENS/WINS?
QENS focusses on the discussion and exchange of scientific ideas related to the investigation of atomic and molecular motions, while WINS deals with instrumental aspects of quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering techniques. Though originally QENS and WINS were held in an independent way, the added value of their joint celebration has been put forward since it enhances their scope and impact on the scientific community related with the quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering techniques.
Young scientists involved in neutron scattering investigations can particularly profit from this joint event (and are especially welcome).
We will offer a QENS-Poster Prize and a WINS-Poster Prize in QENS/WINS2022.
Diversity Statement
QENS/WINS invites participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, ages, abilities and religions.
Sponsors and Partners:
(more info in 'Sponsors and Partners')